Our flexible products guarantee the availability of components anytime and anywhere across your airline’s route network. We distinguish between Full Component Care – our all-inclusive component provisioning package with access to our component pool – and customized component repair solutions.
Our all embracing approach integrates multiple services
Repair Services
Asset Optimization
Engineering & Reliability Management
Pool Access
AOG Support
Retrofit & Modification
Home Base Stock
Customer Support
Supply Chain Management
Loan & Exchange
On-Site Support
Worldwide Transport

An all-inclusive package for operators that includes repairs, pool access and logistics
With Full Component Care, we offer an all-inclusive power-by-the-hour (PBH) or fixed-price (time & material) package to optimally support and supply you with components anytime and anywhere. As an airline, you no longer have to maintain your own expensive inventories at various locations across your route network or at your operational bases. We take care of your serviceable parts and give you access to one of the largest component pools worldwide.
• Access to a large pool
• Customized Home Base Stock calculation
• Highest service levels and fastest turnaround times
• OEM-independent maintenance network
• Innovative repair procedures
• 24 / 7 AOG help line
For operators with their own inventory who are looking for subcontracted closed-loop repair services
We provide optimum repairs of your single components. Our multiple repair stations around the globe are dedicated to your needs and located in close proximity to your operations.
With our Single Component Care service, you own your component inventory but employ us as a partner to manage the entire repair and logistics process. We provide you with an efficient and reliable solution through an OEM-independent network.
Thanks to the affiliated workshops of Air France Industries KLM Engineering & Maintenance and the Lufthansa Technik Group, we can offer a wide range of in-house repair capabilities worldwide. These services cover all the required documentation, maintenance and airworthiness certifications.
• Reliable and short turnaround times
• Local repair shops
• Wide range of in-house repair capabilities
• Free-of-charge (FOC) exchanges if the agreed turnaround time is exceeded

Your instant access to our extensive component pool in case of urgent need
We provide airlines with one-to-one component exchanges from our pool. This minimizes your on-site stock needs and ensures that your aircraft operations remain optimal.
• Short-term component loans at competitive market rates
• Single-event access to an optimized component pool
• Full logistics support worldwide